Friday, January 13, 2012

Invisalign Video Blog, Bonding Attachments [HD] - Sierra 05

Hey everyone, it's Video #5!

In this video you'll see me getting my Invisalign attachments, or "buttons" put on. I was a little worried how noticeable they'd be, but I was really happy how they blended in with my teeth. I could definitely feel that my aligners were tighter, but no pain no gain!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Invisalign Video Blog - Sierra 04

Hey everyone, it's Video #4. Yay, I finally got my Invisalign trays!

In this video I'll show you how the Invisalign trays come in and how many I ended up getting. I'll also show a close-up of how the "attachments" are built-in the trays and see how they look when I put them on for the first time!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Invisalign Video Blog - Sierra 03

Ok video #3! This is behind the scenes of what happens before I get my aligners.
Once Invisalign gets the molds of my teeth, they create a 3D virtual model. This model is sent to the doctor to be evaluated. The doctor then instructs the Invisalign lab technician exactly how they would like the tooth moved and in what sequence. This is why it’s so important to see an orthodontist that is experienced in Invisalign. Invisalign is a high-tech lab that makes the aligners, but do not know how to move teeth. It’s the treating doctor that specifies the actual tooth movement. This also means that your results can be drastically different between each doctor and their experience with Invisalign. Moving teeth with Invisalign is different from moving teeth with braces.

I should be getting them back soon, so stay tuned for my video blog #4!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Invisalign Video Blog - Sierra 02

Ok everyone, Invisalign video #2! I went to get the molds of my teeth taken for my Invisalign trays. It was surprisingly a very comfortable experience. They should arrive in 4-6 weeks. I can't wait! :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Invisalign Video Blog - Sierra 01

Hi my name is Sierra, I'm about to start Invisalign at Dr. Ikeda and Yorita's office. They don’t take my HMO insurance, but I know first-hand that they do incredible work. I know my teeth aren't that bad, but they still bug me a lot. I just want a perfect smile! So, this is the first of many videos bringing you along my Invisalign journey!